In this chapter, we reviewed what TestCafe is and its main features. While comparing TestCafe with its old and canonical rival – Selenium – we observed the strong and weak points of both frameworks. The main difference between Selenium and TestCafe is that Selenium is more heavyweight as it runs code through the Selenium server by interacting with the browser process itself, whereas TestCafe inserts a proxy in between that rewrites each URL and injects the test scripts into the browser. It runs as a Node.js process and can perform operations in both Node.js and browser contexts. The primary goal of TestCafe is to provide a modern tool that mitigates main test automation pain points and provides a convenient way to set up, maintain, and create new tests.
We also went through the testing project and came up with a plan for what test cases should be covered with the upcoming automation.
In the next chapter, we will dive deeper and see how TestCafe operates...