Experimental study of the error measures
As we discussed earlier, there are a lot of metrics for forecasting that people have come up with over the years. Although there are many different formulations of these metrics, there can be similarities in what they are measuring. Therefore, if we are going to choose a primary and secondary metric while modeling, we should pick some metrics that are diverse and measure different aspects of the forecast.
Through this experiment, we are going to try and figure out which of these metrics are similar to each other. We are going to use the subset of the London Smart Meters dataset we have been using all through the book and generate some forecasts for each household. I chose to do this exercise with the darts
library because I wanted multi-step forecasting. I used five different forecasting methods—seasonal naïve, exponential smoothing, Theta, FFT, and LightGBM (local)—and generated forecasts. On top of that, I also calculated...