Exchange 2013 RTM has only two different roles, CAS and Mailbox. The CAS server is stateless, which means by default it does not have any queue data; the queue is moved and placed on the Mailbox server, however this can be changed. A benefit with the new architecture is that it is easy to scale out the Exchange environment. The SMTP frontend service scales are based on a number of connections, which means if you need more servers, then you can scale out easily by adding more servers.
Exchange 2007 and 2010 Edge Transport Server are supported to work together with an Exchange 2013 Mailbox server, for example in EdgeSync.
In addition to routing messages, you can apply rules, configure settings, and enforce limits on messages as they pass through the servers in your environment. Transport agents can be used to provide basic anti-spam protection, and both roles implement detailed logging capabilities that can be leveraged from the shell. In this chapter, we'll take a look at several...