Understanding and Addressing Azure Barriers
Most concerns related to the utilization of public cloud services, including Azure, relate to perceived security risks. For systems running in your own datacenter, you have full control. You can see the physical servers; you can see if someone enters the server room; you know the other administrators who have access; and you know all the various users of the infrastructure. You are the master of the environment and all things are known to you. It’s similar to having kids. When the kids are at home, you know you have the doors locked, and you know who else is in the house. If friends of your kids visit, you know those friends and know they will not steal your kids’ lunch money. Compare this to sending your kids to a summer camp. Do the people at the summer camp remember to lock the cabin doors? What if one of the counselors is a mass murderer? Some of the other kids on the bus looked mean and were looking very intently at the goodie...