The fog effects
While all other engines support only the Fog feature, Unreal Engine's team decided to give us two types of fog, based on the targeted usage; each type has its own parameters that could be used to define its look. The two supported fog types are:
Atmospheric Fog
Exponential Height Fog
Atmospheric Fog
Atmospheric Fog gives you an approximation of light scattering through a planetary atmosphere:

Adding it
By adding an actor from the visual effects section of the Modes panel, you will have the Atmospheric Fog type installed into your level directly:

Here's how to add it:

In order to be able to control the final visual look of the recently inserted fog, you would have to make some tweaks to its properties attached to the actor:
Sun Multiplier: An overall multiplier for the directional light brightness. Increasing this value will not only brighten the fog color, but will also brighten the sky color as well.
Fog Multiplier: A multiplier that affects only the fog color (not the directional...