Accessing the DB using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is common in applications using relational DBs. Play provides a plugin to manage the JDBC connection pool. The plugin internally uses BoneCP (http://jolbox.com/), a fast Java Database Connection pool (JDBC pool) library.
To use the plugin, a dependency in the build file should be added:
val appDependencies = Seq(jdbc)
The plugin supports H2, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL. Play is bundled with an H2 database driver, but to use any of the other databases we should add a dependency on its corresponding driver:
val appDependencies = Seq( jdbc, "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.18",...)
The plugin exposes the following methods:
: It accepts the name of the database it should get the connection for and whether any statement executed using this connection should commit automatically or not. If a name is not provided, it fetches the connection for database with the default name.withConnection
: It accepts a block...