When deploying one or more FreeSWITCH servers in a production environment, it is essential to set up some monitoring mechanisms. Monitoring is more than a best-practice, it is a must-have to maintain a reliable, highly-available, powerful VoIP softswitch. It is necessary in order to be quick to react in case of critical issues and various emergencies. Setting up monitoring mechanisms is easy to say, but a good question would be 'what should we monitor, and how?' You would probably want to keep an eye on several aspects of a running server, for instance:
- Check if everything is fine at a system level, for example:
- Is the FreeSWITCH service up and running?
- Are all the IP ports that are supposed to be listening actually listening?
- Is my host too loaded or is it just fine?
- Check more specifically if the FreeSWITCH service is sane
- Check very specific aspects of the operation, for example:
- Does my IVR behave like it should?
- Are the conference rooms working?
- Is the voicemail service...