If you ever need to rename or delete a custom workspace, use the following steps:
- Go to Window | Workspace | Manage Workspace.
Note that the Window | Workspace menu displays the same items as the workspace switcher button at the top-right corner of the screen.
- In the Manage Workspace dialog, choose the workspace to delete/rename.
Note that the default Classic workspace is not listed. This means that this default workspace cannot be renamed or deleted.
- Click the Rename or Delete button. In this example, click the OK button to close the box without any changes.
- Open the workspace switcher one more time to reapply the Classic workspace before moving on to the next topic.
Updating a workspace
There is no menu item to update an existing workspace. If you want to update an existing workspace, use the New Workspace menu item and give the new workspace the same name as the existing workspace you want to update.
There is no menu item to update an existing workspace. If you want to update an existing workspace, use the New Workspace menu item and give the new workspace the same name as the existing workspace you want to update.