As we conclude, here is a list of questions for you to test your knowledge regarding this chapter's material. You will find the answers in the Assessments section of the Appendix:
- Currently, members of your team have to invite other members. What is the privacy level of your team?
a. Private
b. Public
c. Org-wide
d. Hidden
- You want anyone in your organization to be able to join your team without an invite, but not be automatically added. Which privacy level should you choose for your team?
a. Private
b. Public
c. Org-wide
d. Hidden
- Every member of your organization, as soon as they're entered into the system, needs access to a team used for organization announcements and resources. What sort of team privacy level should a team like this have?
a. Private
b. Public
c. Org-wide
d. Hidden
- What are the limits for org-wide teams?
a. <10,001 users and no more than 3 org-wide teams per tenant
b. <3,001 users and no more than 5 org-wide teams per tenant
c. <...