Time for action - finding friends and adding them to your list
So, how do you find friends and add them to your network?
1. Return to the Groups section of your site and click on the Find Friends tab.
2. You will now see a page that lists all the people that are in your Mahara site. Notice in the top left you have the standard search box. Use this to search for the friend you are looking for if you can't see them in the list. When you have found the friend you would like to add, simply click Send Friend Request to the right of their name:

3. You have now requested to be someone's friend. You have to wait for their response before you are accepted as their friend.
What just happened?
You have just requested to be someone's friend.
Sometimes you may find that the person you want to add doesn't have the Send Friend Request option; instead it might say Add to friends. This is because that person is very sociable and has decided that they are happy for anyone to be their friend! When you click on...