Simple RNN
Another method to make order matter within neural networks is to give the network some kind of memory. So far, all of our networks have done a forward pass without any memory of what happened before or after the pass. It's time to change that with a recurrent neural network (RNN):

The scheme of an RNN
RNNs contain recurrent layers. Recurrent layers can remember their last activation and use it as their own input:

A recurrent layer takes a sequence as an input. For each element, it then computes a matrix multiplication (W * in), just like a Dense
layer, and runs the result through an activation function, such as relu
. It then retains its own activation. When the next item of the sequence arrives, it performs the matrix multiplication as before, but this time it also multiplies its previous activation with a second matrix (). The recurrent layer adds the result of both operations together and passes it through the activation function again.
In Keras, we can use a simple RNN as follows...