The lxc containers are complex and can be difficult to work with. These issues led to the Docker package. Docker uses the same underlying Linux functionalities of namespaces and cgroups to create lightweight containers.
Docker is only officially supported on 64-bit systems, making lxc the better choice for legacy systems.
The major difference between a Docker container and an lxc container is that a Docker container commonly runs one process, while an lxc container runs many. To deploy a database-backed web server, you need at least two Docker containers–one for the web server and one for the database server–but only one lxc container.
The Docker philosophy makes it easy to construct systems from smaller building blocks, but it can make it harder to develop blocks since so many Linux utilities are expected to run inside a full Linux system with crontab entries to carry out operations such as cleanup, log rotation, and so on.
Once a Docker container is created, it will run exactly as expected on other Docker servers. This makes it very easy to deploy Docker containers on cloud clusters or remote sites.