Creating and configuring roles
Regardless of the type of the role with which we are dealing, the process of creating a new role consists of two steps—creating a new, empty role and defining a set of permissions for the role.
How to do it…
In this recipe, we will show you how to create a new regular site and organization roles and how to define a set of permissions for them.
In order to create a new regular role, perform the following steps:
- Go to Admin | Control Panel | Roles.
- Click on the Add button.
- Choose the Regular Role, Site Role or Organization Role option.
- Provide Name (Required), Title, and Description for the role.
- Click on the Save button, and you will come back to a list containing all the roles defined.
- Click on the Actions button next to the newly created role.
- Choose the Edit action.
- Click on the Define Permissions tab.
- Using the left column navigation menu, choose the categories (such as Site Administration | Pages | Site Pages) for which you want to define permissions...