Creating and applying paragraph styles
Using paragraph styles allows us to save a set of definitions or rules for larger blocks of text, which we can quickly apply to any block of text we choose.
Let's say for example, that you wanted your block quotes to always look the same way, set in Georgia, Italic, and size 12 with a color of red. You would select some text, apply the formatting then save it as a paragraph style. You can then reuse that paragraph style by applying it to other block quotes on your pages.
Any paragraph or character styles that you create are available to use throughout your site, not just on the page on which you created the style. Let's make a paragraph style now, which will define how our main body text will look:
1. In the Design view, highlight a block of text – say one line within a paragraph – then set the following values in the Text panel:
Left Alignment
Colour: Dark Navy or Hex
Line Spacing:
2. In the Paragraph Styles panel (choose...