Programming languages and integrated development environments
In Ethereum, most smart contract developers use the Solidity programming language to create and write contracts. With powerful tools provided by the community, including Truffle, Hardhat, Infura, Alchemy, OpenZepplin, Remix, and so on, Solidity development has become much easier. In this section, we will explore another Ethereum smart contract programming language – Vyper, which is an experimental Python-based, statically typed, and contract-oriented programming language.
Vyper seeks to be a general-purpose, auditable, secure, and human-readable programming language that compiles contracts down to EVM bytecode, similar to Solidity. It has a deliberately limited set of features compared to Solidity with the aim of producing contracts that are more secure, have optimized gas usage, and are easier to understand.
Main features of Vyper
By prioritizing security, simplicity, and readability, Vyper offers...