To get started, we will need an instance of ACR. To create it via the command line, run the following command:
az acr create -n <name> -g <rg-name> --sku <Classic|Basic|Standard|Premium>
Once the ACR instance is created, find the instance you want in the portal and go to it. The integration with Azure Event Grid is very similar to what you can find in the previous section.
Let's get started with the integration:
- Click on the Events blade and then on the + Event Subscription button:
Fig. 10.22 – Events blade
- On the next screen, besides providing the name of the subscription and the schema (we will go for the Event Grid schema), you will have to decide which events you are interested in and select them:
Fig. 10.23 – Available events for ACR
The last thing required here will be the endpoint type. While you can choose between many different positions (Event Hub, Storage Queue...