Sitting Comfortably? Then we'll Begin
Now that you know a little bit more about different kinds of disabilities, the various AT available to help users browse the Internet, and some useful tools for you as a developer. I would like you to try the following exercises as well. I hope that it will help you to further understand what it is like to browse the Internet in a restricted fashion and maybe then you can gain a deeper understanding of what it will be like for people with disabilities when they go online.
These exercises are a poor substitute for interacting directly with people with disabilities and talking to them about their experiences, but I hope you find them useful anyway.
I call the first exercise "No Frills" browsing.
Exercise 1—"No Frills" Browsing
The idea behind "No Frills" browsing is that you will try to emulate the experience that people with disabilities may have when they go online. The purpose of the exercise is to get you to think about the common barriers that people...