Modifying App Screens
In Chapter 11, Building Your User Interface, you added some of the screens required for your app to match what was shown during the app tour. In Chapter 12, Finishing Your User Interface, you added the remaining screens required for your app. You’re now able to navigate through all the screens of your app when you run it in Simulator, but the screens still lack the user interface elements required for data input and data display.
In this chapter, you’ll add and configure the missing user interface elements to the Journal List, Add New Journal Entry, and Journal Entry Detail screens, to match the design shown in the app tour.
For the Journal List screen, you’ll modify the journalCell
table view cell by adding an image view and two labels to it, so that it can display the photo, date, and title of a journal entry. For the Add New Journal Entry screen, you’ll modify it by adding a custom view, a switch, a text field, a text view...