Deploy VMware Virtual SAN
In this section, we will perform the steps that are required to enable VMware VSAN. These instructions assume that at least three ESXi servers with a VSAN-compatible configuration have been deployed and added to a vSphere cluster in vCenter.
Standard vSphere vSwitches and IPv4 are used in the following example, although distributed vSwitches, as well as IPv6, are supported. Consult the vSphere 6 and VSAN documentation for additional information about how to configure VSAN.
Configuring the ESXi server Virtual SAN VMkernel adapters
The following steps outline how to configure the VSAN VMkernel adapters required in order to enable VSAN:
Access the vSphere Web Client using the default URL ofÂ
https://vSphere_Server_ Name_
.On the vSphere Web Client home page, click on the Hosts and Clusters icon.
On the vSphere Web Client Hosts and Clusters page, click on the triangle to the left of the vSphere cluster that contains your VSAN hosts in order...