The answers to these questions can be found in the Assessments section at the end of this book:
- What do you understand the definition of Terraform to be?
a) It is a virtual box.
b) It is an orchestration tool that is used for the provisioning of infrastructure.
c) It is a cloud.
d) It is a Google Chrome extension.
- Which of the following are Terraform plugins? Select one or more:
a) Terraform providers
b) Terraform provisioners
c) Terraform resources
d) Terraform plan
- A Terraform configuration file is written in which language?
a) Python
b) HCL
d) Go
- Which of the following is not a Terraform provider?
a) Azure
b) AWS
c) GCP
d) SAP
- Terraform is an orchestration tool developed by which company?
a) Microsoft
b) HashiCorp
c) Amazon
d) Google