This chapter would not be complete if we didn't go through the whole development life cycle of deploying and using the new framework in a new application. This is the purpose of this section.
The application we will build is extremely simple. All it does is track the position of the mouse using the reactive primitives we built into respondent.
To that end, we will be using the excellent Lein template, figwheel, which was created by Bruce Hauman to help developers get started with ClojureScript[4].
Let's get started:
lein new figwheel respondent-app
Next, let's modify the project file to include the following dependencies:
[respondent/respondent "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] [prismatic/dommy "1.1.0"]
The first dependency is self-explanatory. It's simply our own framework. dommy is a DOM manipulation library for ClojureScript...