Importing data into Salesforce
Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) is a hot topic when lighting up a new CRM implementation. How would you import the first records to make it fully operational from day one after go-live? How do you cleanse data if there is a bug in the automation you implemented (no human work is bug-free)? How do you cleanse data in the event of human errors?
And how would you extract data periodically to back up your records? How would you extract data to import it into another organization (org)?
The Salesforce platform provides a client application called Data Loader that can be used to do all sorts of massive CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations on records, so you don't have to do them manually.
We'll talk about this great, useful, and well-known app that should always be in your toolbox in the last, dedicated section. In this and the next section, we'll talk about importing and exporting data from within the platform without using any...