Chapter 9: Data Cleaning Level I – Cleaning Up the Table
We are finally here! After making sure that we have the required technical skills (part 1 of this book) and analytics skills (part 2 of this book), we can start discussing effective data preprocessing. We will start this journey by looking at data cleaning. This chapter divides data cleaning into three levels: levels I, II, and III. As you move up these levels, learning about the concept of data cleaning will become deeper and more complex. We will talk about what they are, how they are different, and what types of situations require us to perform each level of data cleaning. Furthermore, for each level of data cleaning, we will see examples of data sources that will require different levels of data cleaning.
In this chapter, we will focus on data cleaning level I – cleaning up the table. The next two chapters are also dedicated to data cleaning but at levels II and III.
In this chapter, we're going to...