Virtual desktop storage requirements – dedicated desktop model
The purpose of XenDesktop is to deliver virtual desktops to the users. Just as you would have given each user a laptop with a local disk to store their operating system, programs, and user data, you need to provide storage for the virtual desktops to do the same.
Not only do you need to estimate how much storage you need for each copy of the operating system, for example, Windows 8; but you also need to estimate the number of desktops you will have. It would be nice if you could just say, "I want 100 desktops; now calculate the total storage and find me a product". It is usually a little more complicated than this, but we have simplified the process to get you moving in the right direction.
The good news is that you don't have to set aside space for each user's desktop. For example, 100 users requiring 40 GB of storage would require 4 Terabytes of storage. You can create a shared or pooled desktop and then add small amounts of...