Machine catalogs
A machine catalog is a group of computers or desktops that define the hosting infrastructure for those desktops and applications and the level of control that the users have over their environments.
The following are the prerequisites to create a machine catalog:
To create a machine catalog, you first need to prepare the master images similar to what we did in Chapter 2, Installing XenDesktop®.
The master image should contain the elements that are common to all users, such as antivirus software, Citrix Receiver and plugins, and other default programs.
You also need the Active Directory computer accounts to assign to each machine. The machine catalog creation wizard creates these for you.
Creating the master images
To prepare desktops and applications for machines in Windows Server or Windows desktop machine catalogs, you must prepare the master image that is used as a base or template to create user desktops and applications.
You can create these master images the...