Chapter 9. In-memory, the Future
In the previous chapters, we have concentrated on the multi-dimensional or OLAP version of Analysis Services. The ability to create multi-dimensional models has been a part of every release of SQL Server since Version 7.0 was released in March 1999.
With the SQL Server 2008 R2 release, Microsoft followed a popular trend by releasing an in-memory analytical engine. This was first released as a client engine part of Excel 2010 called PowerPivot. Microsoft also released a version of Analysis Services that could be installed as part of a SharePoint farm and handle Excel workbooks that contained PowerPivot models.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
Understanding the tabular model
Creating projects for tabular modeling
Specifying a workspace server and connecting to the data source
Adding tables to a data model
Creating connections to other data sources
Working with partitions in Analysis Services
Creating calculations and KPIs
Adding hierarchies to a...