Camera Options – My Geometry is Not Straight!
You may have noticed while working in SketchUp (or even while looking at the screenshots in this book) that Geometry often appears to lean or to get larger or smaller depending on the camera angle. We know that moving the camera is not changing the size of the Geometry, so what is happening?
The default view in SketchUp is the Perspective camera and it will distort how Geometry looks, depending on where it is on the screen. This is an attempt to mimic the way we see the real world, but it does not always come across perfectly in SketchUp or other 3D modeling software.
The Perspective view is often the best way to work while modeling in SketchUp, as it provides a sense of depth and scale in the model. The Two-Point Perspective option is great for static Scenes, such as when creating a rendering. The Parallel Projection view provides a sense of scale throughout the model while removing any sense of depth: