Building a web application and connecting it to the Business Object
In order to create a web application, we must have a VB application in the Visual Builder instance. We have already created a VB application with the name VBCSBook. Refer to Chapter 3, Exploring Visual Builder Ingredients, the Creating a VB application section, to learn how to create a VB application. A VB application is a collection of multiple web or mobile applications. We have already created a web application with the name mywebapplication. Refer to Chapter 3, Exploring Visual Builder Ingredients, the Understanding the application's structure section, to learn how to create a web application. Throughout this chapter, we'll use the same web application to render the data from the Business Object and Service Connection.
In this section, we'll execute the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) use case as follows:
- Create a web page to read all employees from the Employee Business Object. ...