All major keywords used in this book are captured alphabetically in this section. Each one is accompanied by the page number of where they appear.
3-5-3 formation 441, 465
Daily Scrum Event 453, 454
Development Team Role 444
Product Backlog Artifact 445, 446
Product Increment Artifact 450
Product Owner Role 442, 443
ScrumMaster Role 443
Sprint Backlog Artifact 447-449
Sprint Planning Event 451-453
Sprint Retrospective Event 458-462
Sprint Review Event 455-458
@QuarkusTestResource 616
A/B Testing 401, 402, 649
deploying 652-655
experiment 649
Matomo 650-652
reference link 402
acceptance criteria 437, 438, 451
actors 239, 240-243, 247, 717, 747
adaptability 106, 217
adaptation 96
adaptive 510, 744
advanced deployment strategies 401
A/B Testing 401
Blue/Green Deployments 402
Canary Releases 403
case studies 408, 409
considerations 406...