In this section, we will encounter our first (simple) example of a platform service wrapped by the FMX framework. Clipboard support may be taken for granted but actually is an integration with the underlying OS (and has more platform-specific behaviors than you may notice at first glance). This will serve you in two different ways, that is, to understand and properly use the clipboard in your applications, and as an introduction to the FMX approach to wrapping platform services.
The clipboard is a very widely used feature of most operating systems out there. Basically, it provides the user with the capability to share a piece of content (text, graphics, custom content) across different parts of the application; for example, to copy some text from an edit box and paste it in another one. It can even be across different applications, such as copying some text from a browser to a text editor (you're brave!).
Even though it is a very popular feature and...