As I wrote at the very outset of this TListView overview, this is a TStyledControl descendant, meaning its visual representation is implemented through a style object.
This also means you can customize this Style object and change some visual aspect of the component to meet your needs. A detailed overview of FMX styles is provided in Chapter 7, Understanding FMX Style Concept, but for convenience, I want to address a simple customization for TListView. As you have seen, a text button drawable is available for use in the item's appearance. Even if you can't think of it as an actual TButton instance (because it is not), it is style-enabled and its definition is part of the TListView style object.
Select your TListView instance in Form Designer, right-click on it, and select Edit Custom Style... from the pop-up menu. Style Designer will be shown and a copy of the default style for the TListView ...