As we have already said WebBroker is a technology that's been available since Delphi 4 to help create web server applications, exposing an HTTP/HTTPS interface. It is a very thin layer on top of HTTP/S, but I love it because it doesn't try to do a lot of things but remains at a low level, allowing you to implement the rest of the architecture as you need. Therefore, Embarcadero used WebBroker as a framework to create DataSnap and EMS. It is very important to know this, because by knowing it, you have all the power to create web things such as HTTP/S services, HTML interfaces, and so on.
In this recipe, we'll create a 64-bit WebBroker Apache module, install it in a custom Apache 2.4 distribution, and secure the server by configuring HTTPS access. Internally, our application uses DelphiMVCFramework, but all the steps are still valid...