Displaying a measure on a 2D graph like an oscilloscope
An oscilloscope is a type of electronic test instrument that allows the observation of constantly varying signal voltages. Usually, information is shown as a two-dimensional plot graph of one or more signals as a function of time. In this recipe, you'll implement a type of oscilloscope to display data generated by a background thread. Obviously, in this recipe, you'll not create an accurate oscilloscope, rather a nice real-world utilization of retrieving data and using it continuously in the GUI.
Getting ready
You'll use the TThreadedQueue<Extended>
class to bring out data from the background thread to the main thread. The approach is similar to that shown in the recipe Talking with the main thread using a thread-safe queue, but in this case, we've to show data in a complex way—on a 2D graph showing only the last n data retrieved.
How to do it…
This recipe has a background thread acting like an analogic signal generator that is able...