An IPS, though similar to an IDS in terms of capabilities, is a distinctly different security solution. While the core from a behavioral and software engineering perspective is approximately the same as an IDS, its primary function is different, as well as its operational modes. An IPS is an advanced security solution that detects potential threats, as an IDS does, but then takes an additional step of proactively blocking or mitigating those threats. It does this by enforcing security policies and access control rules within the host or network environment.
While it may seem that this product is just an IDS with an extra step added, it’s far more complex than that. Because an IDS only detects, administrators can err on the side of caution and be a little looser with the rules that govern its detections. An IPS, however, does not have that luxury. Since it proactively responds to potential threats, there is no room for error and the rules governing the IPS detections must...