The anatomy of the agent
As you learned in the previous chapter, there are several entities in RL's view of the world:
- The agent: A thing, or person, that takes an active role. In practice, the agent is some piece of code that implements some policy. Basically, this policy decides what action is needed at every time step, given our observations.
- The environment: Some model of the world that is external to the agent and has the responsibility of providing observations and giving rewards. The environment changes its state based on the agent's actions.
Let's explore how both can be implemented in Python for a simple situation. We will define an environment that will give the agent random rewards for a limited number of steps, regardless of the agent's actions. This scenario is not very useful, but it will allow us to focus on specific methods in both the environment and agent classes. Let's start with the environment:
class Environment:
def __init__(self):
self.steps_left = 10
In the preceding code, we allowed the environment to initialize its internal state. In our case, the state is just a counter that limits the number of time steps that the agent is allowed to take to interact with the environment.
def get_observation(self) -> List[float]:
return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
The get_observation()
method is supposed to return the current environment's observation to the agent. It is usually implemented as some function of the internal state of the environment. If you're curious about what is meant by-> List[float]
, that's an example of Python type annotations, which were introduced in Python 3.5. You can find out more in the documentation at In our example, the observation vector is always zero, as the environment basically has no internal state.
def get_actions(self) -> List[int]:
return [0, 1]
The get_actions()
method allows the agent to query the set of actions it can execute. Normally, the set of actions that the agent can execute does not change over time, but some actions can become impossible in different states (for example, not every move is possible in any position of the tic-tac-toe game). In our simplistic example, there are only two actions that the agent can carry out, which are encoded with the integers 0 and 1.
def is_done(self) -> bool:
return self.steps_left == 0
The preceding method signaled the end of the episode to the agent. As you saw in Chapter 1, What Is Reinforcement Learning?, the series of environment-agent interactions is divided into a sequence of steps called episodes. Episodes can be finite, like in a game of chess, or infinite, like the Voyager 2 mission (a famous space probe that was launched over 40 years ago and has traveled beyond our solar system). To cover both scenarios, the environment provides us with a way to detect when an episode is over and there is no way to communicate with it anymore.
def action(self, action: int) -> float:
if self.is_done():
raise Exception("Game is over")
self.steps_left -= 1
return random.random()
The action()
method is the central piece in the environment's functionality. It does two things – handles an agent's action and returns the reward for this action. In our example, the reward is random and its action is discarded. Additionally, we update the count of steps and refuse to continue the episodes that are over.
Now when looking at the agent's part, it is much simpler and includes only two methods: the constructor and the method that performs one step in the environment:
class Agent:
def __init__(self):
self.total_reward = 0.0
In the constructor, we initialize the counter that will keep the total reward accumulated by the agent during the episode.
def step(self, env: Environment):
current_obs = env.get_observation()
actions = env.get_actions()
reward = env.action(random.choice(actions))
self.total_reward += reward
The step
function accepts the environment instance as an argument and allows the agent to perform the following actions:
- Observe the environment
- Make a decision about the action to take based on the observations
- Submit the action to the environment
- Get the reward for the current step
For our example, the agent is dull and ignores the observations obtained during the decision-making process about which action to take. Instead, every action is selected randomly. The final piece is the glue code, which creates both classes and runs one episode:
if __name__ == "__main__":
env = Environment()
agent = Agent()
while not env.is_done():
print("Total reward got: %.4f" % agent.total_reward)
You can find the preceding code in this book's GitHub repository at in the Chapter02/
file. It has no external dependencies and should work with any more-or-less modern Python version. By running it several times, you'll get different amounts of reward gathered by the agent.
The simplicity of the preceding code illustrates the important basic concepts that come from the RL model. The environment could be an extremely complicated physics model, and an agent could easily be a large neural network (NN) that implements the latest RL algorithm, but the basic pattern will stay the same – on every step, the agent will take some observations from the environment, do its calculations, and select the action to take. The result of this action will be a reward and a new observation.
You may ask, if the pattern is the same, why do we need to write it from scratch? What if it is already implemented by somebody and could be used as a library? Of course, such frameworks exist, but before we spend some time discussing them, let's prepare your development environment.