Road construction
In this recipe, we will explore the basic uses of the Road tool and how to paint down paths that are easy for the player to recognize.
Getting ready
Before we begin, you must have Sandbox 3 open
Then open
How to do it...
From the RollupBar, open the Objects tab.
Select the Misc button.
From the Object Type, select Road.
Make sure you are set to Align to Terrain.
Click down three points in roughly a straight line.
Double-click for the fourth point to finalize the road.
Open the Material Editor (M).
Assign the material materials | Terrain | roads | road_asphalt01 to the road.
How it works...
The Road tool is a spline that projects a repeating texture along the terrain surface.
There's more...
The following are some of the definitions to the parameters for the road as well as how you can edit the shape of the road.
Road parameters
Width: This is the width of the road in meters.
StepSize: This affects the tiling amount on the road. It is used for both the texture and the curves...