Chapter 14. Customizing Bulma
Bulma comes with default styles that are carefully chosen to satisfy most users, and ensure that any interface built with Bulma looks great.
But even if the layout of the page is naturally balanced and the components are clear enough to be used straight out of the box, you probably don’t want your website to end up looking like every other Bulma instance. First, because you probably already have defined colors and typography rules, which is especially true when you are using Bulma in a business context, where branding guidelines have already been defined and need to be strictly followed. Secondly, because no matter what the purpose of the website you’re building with Bulma, you’ll still want to add your own personal touch. And one design can’t satisfy everyone!
Luckily, Bulma is a CSS framework that is very easy to customize, and it can be done in several ways:
- Overriding Bulma’s initial and derived variables
- Overriding...