Sample questions
Q1. Cryptographic algorithms would include all of the these except?
Data Encryption Standard
Advanced Encryption Standard
Transport Layer Security
Message Digest Algorithm
Q2. Which one of the following is called a crypto variable?
Plain Text
Cipher Text
Cryptographic Key
Q3. Identify the best explanation from the following for a digital signature?
Applying senders private key to the message
Applying senders public key to the message
Applying receivers private key to the message
Applying receivers public key to the message
Q4. When a specific key is authorized for use by legitimate entities, and that usage is based on time, it is known as what?
Crypto period
Key usage
Q5. Which one of the following is a type of cryptanalytic attack?
Chosen image
Chosen plaintext
Adaptive image parameter
Adaptive plain-cipher text
Q6. Which one of the following is an application of IPSec?
Wireless Application Protocol
Virtual Private Networking
Social engineering
Q7. An image file...