Logging SQL queries and performance tuning
In this section, we will introduce one way to log the SQL queries that JdbcDriver
sends to the database. We will use P6Spy (https://github.com/p6spy/p6spy).
The first change we need to make is to add the following dependencies into pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>p6spy</groupId> <artifactId>p6spy</artifactId> <version>${p6spy.version}</version> </dependency>
At the time of writing, the P6Spy version we use is 3.7.0. To customize P6Spy, we can add the src/main/resources/spy.properties
 configuration file. The one that we will use looks as follows:
driverlist=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver logfile=spy.log dateformat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SS logMessageFormat=com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.CustomLineFormat customLogMessageFormat=- %(currentTime) | took %(executionTime)ms | connection %(connectionId) \nEXPLAIN %(sql);\n filter=true exclude=select 1 from dual
In order to let P6Spy capture the SQL queries, we will need...