Designing a data archiving solution
Now that we have learned how to design a data lake and optimize the storage for our analytical queries, there is one final component that remains to be designed. How do we archive or clean up the old data? Without a proper archiving and/or deletion solution, the data will grow and fill up the storage very soon.
Azure provides three tiers of storage: Hot Access Tier, Cold Access Tier, and Archive Access Tier.
Hot Access Tier
The Hot Access Tier is ideal for data that is accessed frequently. It provides the lowest access cost but at a higher storage cost.
Cold Access Tier
The Cold Access Tier is ideal for data that is accessed occasionally, such as slightly older data that is probably used for backups or monthly reports. It provides lower storage costs but at higher access costs. Azure expects the cold access tier data to be stored for at least 30 days. Early deletion or tier change might result in extra charges.