Enabling DevOps practices with GitLab flow
Let’s end this chapter by seeing how issues, branches, and merge requests fit together in a realistic example. This shows GitLab’s recommended best practice for how to use all the components you’ve been introduced to in a smooth workflow that works for most situations. In fact, this workflow is so strongly recommended and so well proven over time that GitLab even has a name for this workflow: GitLab flow. As always, you’re encouraged to treat this workflow as a starting point when developing your own processes and procedures; feel free to tinker with it as needed for your team, product, and organizational culture.
While working on the Hats for Cats web app, you decide to add a feature that lets you filter the hats by cat breed. After all, a cowboy hat for a large-headed Maine Coon might swamp the dainty head of a Devon Rex. Here are all the steps prescribed by GitLab flow to bring that feature into existence...