In this chapter, we saw that performance tuning is a part of a continuous effort to assure satisfactory performance for your website. The two golden rules are, as we saw earlier in the chapter, introducing changes one-by-one, and testing every change to see if it really improves the performance of your website.
Then we saw a detailed description of the Waterfall charts generated by Firebug, an add-on for the popular Firefox browser. This was followed by a series of possible scenarios of poor performance, plus references to a specific chapter in this book for each scenario.
A list of tools to generate Waterfall charts for browsers other than Firefox was provided at the end, including tools which are independent of the browser being used.
In the next chapter, we'll see how to reduce the time it takes for the server to generate the page. You'll learn about the Windows performance monitor, and you'll see how to improve the use of system resources.