Using real-time IoT data
Real time IoT data (clickstream data from websites and footfall data from physical stores) is integrated with other systems, such as ERP, CRM, and Point-of-Sale (PoS) systems. This helps generate deeper and broader insights such as the following:
- The number of items on shelves can be determined to ensure automated inventory replenishment, and related systems (financial management, invoicing, taxation, and so on) are kept synchronized for increased efficiency and error reduction.
In addition to determining the number of products, this monitoring capability can be integrated with a pricing engine to recommend discounts on old products.
- Operational (energy consumption) and diagnostics data from retail store equipment (e.g., refrigeration, air conditioning, and lighting equipment) can be used to perform predictive maintenance, ensuring 24/7 operation.
- Sales trends and their correlation with factors such as seasonality help in redefining...