26.6 Consuming Events
The detection of standard clicks (as opposed to long clicks) on views is a very simple case of event handling. The example will now be extended to include the detection of long click events which occur when the user clicks and holds a view on the screen and, in doing so, cover the topic of event consumption.
Consider the code for the onClick() method in the above section of this chapter. The callback is declared as void and, as such, does not return a value to the Android framework after it has finished executing.
The code assigned to the onLongClickListener, on the other hand, is required to return a Boolean value to the Android framework. The purpose of this return value is to indicate to the Android runtime whether or not the callback has consumed the event. If the callback returns a true value, the event is discarded by the framework. If, on the other hand, the callback returns a false value the Android framework will consider the event still to be...