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Android Studio 2 Essentials - Second Edition

You're reading from  Android Studio 2 Essentials - Second Edition

Product type Book
Published in Jun 2016
ISBN-13 9781786467959
Pages 172 pages
Edition 2nd Edition
Author (1):
Belén Cruz Zapata Belén Cruz Zapata
Profile icon Belén Cruz Zapata

Table of Contents (17) Chapters close

Android Studio 2 Essentials Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewer
1. Installing and Configuring Android Studio 2. Starting a Project 3. Navigating a Project 4. Using the Code Editor 5. Creating User Interfaces 6. Tools 7. Google Play Services 8. Debugging 9. Preparing for Release Getting Help Index



  • action bars
    • URL / Choosing the activity type
  • activity
    • Basic Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Empty Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Fullscreen Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Google AdMob Ads Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Google Maps Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Login Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Master/Detail Flow / Choosing the activity type
    • Navigation Drawer Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Scrolling Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Settings Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • Tabbed Activity / Choosing the activity type
    • customizing / Customizing your activity
  • AdMob Ad
    • about / Choosing the activity type
  • Allocation Tracker tab
    • about / Allocation Tracker
  • Android dashboards
    • URL / Selecting the form factors, Supporting multiple screens
  • Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin
    • about / Configuring the Android SDK
  • Android Device Monitor
    • about / Android Device Monitor
    • Threads tab / Threads
    • Heap tab / Heap
    • Allocation Tracker tab / Allocation Tracker
    • Network Statistics tab / Network Statistics
    • File Explorer tab / File Explorer
    • Emulator Control tab / Emulator Control
    • System Information tab / System Information
    • Hierarchy View tab / Hierarchy View
  • Android emulator
    • about / The Android emulator
    • AVD, executing / The Android emulator
  • Android emulator, More option
    • Location / The Android emulator
    • Cellular / The Android emulator
    • Battery / The Android emulator
    • Phone / The Android emulator
    • Directional pad / The Android emulator
    • Fingerprint / The Android emulator
    • Settings / The Android emulator
    • Help / The Android emulator
  • Android SDK
    • configuring / Configuring the Android SDK
  • Android Studio
    • prerequisites / Preparing for installation
    • downloading / Downloading Android Studio
    • installing / Installing Android Studio
    • executing / Running Android Studio for the first time
    • Google Play services, adding / Adding Google Play services to Android Studio
    • references / Getting help from Android Studio
    • online documentation / Android online documentation
    • updates / Updates
    • updates, URL / Updates
  • Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager
    • about / The AVD Manager
    • setting up / The AVD Manager
    • Android emulator / The Android emulator
  • APK Analyzer
    • about / APK Analyzer
  • app directory, elements
    • build/ / The project structure
    • libs/ / The project structure
    • src/androidTest/ / The project structure
    • src/main/ / The project structure
    • build.gradle / The project structure
  • application
    • preparing, to release / Steps prior to releasing your app
    • signing automatically, in release mode / Sign automatically in release mode
    • executing, in release mode / Running your app in release mode
  • application debugging
    • about / Running and debugging
    • with Debugger tab / Debugger
  • application packages (APK) file
    • assets/ folder / Understanding an APK file
    • META-INF/ folder / Understanding an APK file
    • lib/ folder / Understanding an APK file
    • res/ folder / Understanding an APK file
    • AndroidManifest.xml file / Understanding an APK file
    • classes.dex file / Understanding an APK file
    • resources.arsc file / Understanding an APK file
    • about / Understanding an APK file
    • Raw File Size / APK Analyzer
    • Download Size / APK Analyzer
  • Application Programming Interface (API)
    • about / Selecting the form factors
  • application running
    • about / Running and debugging
    • Console tab / Console
    • LogCat tab / LogCat
    • Monitors panel / Monitors


  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices
    • about / Available services
  • build types
    • about / Build types
    • debug mode / Build types
    • release mode / Build types
  • Button object, properties
    • android*id / Adding components
    • android*layout_width / Adding components
    • android*layout_height / Adding components
    • android*layout_below / Adding components
    • android*layout_centerHorizontal / Adding components
    • android*text / Adding components


  • children methods
    • about / Method profiling
  • Code Completion
    • about / Code Completion
    • Smart Type Completion / Smart Type Completion
    • Postfix Completion / Postfix Completion
  • code editor
    • settings, customizing / Customizing editor settings
    • General settings / General
    • colors, modifying / Colors
    • fonts, modifying / Colors
    • Code Style settings, customizing / Code Style
    • File and Code Templates settings, customizing / File and Code Templates
    • useful shortcuts / Useful shortcuts
  • code generation
    • about / Code generation
  • code navigation
    • about / Navigating code
  • cold swap
    • about / Instant run
  • completion of statements
    • about / Code Completion
  • Console tab
    • about / Console
  • contexts
    • managing / Tasks and contexts
  • custom regions
    • about / Navigating code


  • Dalvix Executable (dex) bytecode file
    • about / APK Analyzer
  • Debugger tab
    • about / Debugger
  • debug mode
    • about / Build types
  • density-independent pixel (dp)
    • about / Supporting multiple screens
  • device orientation
    • about / Supporting multiple screens
  • device support
    • Phone and Tablet / Selecting the form factors
    • Wear / Selecting the form factors
    • TV / Selecting the form factors
    • Android Auto / Selecting the form factors
    • Glass / Selecting the form factors
  • domain-specific language (DSL)
    • about / Gradle


  • Emulator Control tab
    • about / Emulator Control
    • Telephony Status / Emulator Control
    • Telephony Actions / Emulator Control
    • Location Controls / Emulator Control
  • event handling
    • about / Handling events
  • event listeners
    • OnClickListener / Handling events
    • OnCreateContextMenu / Handling events
    • OnDragListener / Handling events
    • OnFocusChangedListener / Handling events
    • OnHoverListener / Handling events
    • OnKeyListener / Handling events
    • OnLayoutChangeListener / Handling events
    • OnLongClickListener / Handling events
    • OnScrollChangeListener / Handling events
    • OnTouchListener / Handling events


  • File Explorer tab
    • about / File Explorer
  • floating action buttons
    • URL / Choosing the activity type
  • fragments
    • reference link / Choosing the activity type


  • garbage collector (GC)
    • about / Heap
  • Geo Data API
    • about / Google Places
    • using / Geo Data API
    • addPlace method / Geo Data API
    • getAutocompletePredictions method / Geo Data API
    • getPlaceById method / Geo Data API
    • getPlacePhotos method / Geo Data API
  • Google's GitHub
    • sample apps, URL / More sample apps
  • Google+
    • about / Available services
  • Google+ Platform for Android
    • about / Google+ Platform for Android
    • sample apps, URL / Google+ Platform for Android
  • Google Analytics
    • about / Available services
  • Google App Indexing
    • about / Available services
  • Google Cast
    • about / Available services
  • Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
    • about / Available services, Google Cloud Messaging
    • GCM Receiver class / Google Cloud Messaging
    • GCM Listener Service class / Google Cloud Messaging
    • Instance ID Listener Service class / Google Cloud Messaging
    • sample demo, URL / Google Cloud Messaging
  • Google code samples
    • reference link / Running Android Studio for the first time
  • Google Drive
    • about / Available services
  • Google Fit
    • about / Available services
  • Google I/O 2012
    • URL / How Google Play services work
  • Google In-app Billing
    • about / Available services
  • Google Location
    • about / Available services
  • GoogleMapOptions class, options
    • mapType / Google Maps Android API
    • compassEnabled / Google Maps Android API
    • zoomControlsEnabled / Google Maps Android API
    • rotateGesturesEnabled / Google Maps Android API
  • Google Maps
    • about / Available services
  • Google Maps Android API
    • about / Google Maps Android API
    • reference link / Google Maps Android API
  • Google Mobile Ads
    • about / Available services
  • Google Nearby
    • about / Available services
  • Google Panorama Viewer
    • about / Available services
  • Google Places
    • about / Available services
    • using / Google Places
    • Geo Data API / Google Places
    • Place Detection API / Google Places
    • reference link / Place Detection API
  • Google Play Game services
    • about / Available services
  • Google Play In-App Billing
    • about / Google Play In-App Billing
    • URL / Google Play In-App Billing
  • Google Play services
    • performance / How Google Play services work
    • client library / How Google Play services work
    • APK / How Google Play services work
    • features / Available services
    • adding, to Android Studio / Adding Google Play services to Android Studio
  • Google Sign-In
    • about / Available services, Google Sign-In
    • SignInButton class / Google Sign-In
    • GoogleSignInOptions class / Google Sign-In
    • GoogleApiClient class / Google Sign-In
    • sample code, URL / Google Sign-In
  • Google Wallet
    • about / Available services
  • Gradle
    • about / Gradle
    • URL / Gradle
  • gradle file, configuration options
    • variants / Gradle
    • dependencies / Gradle
    • manifest entries / Gradle
    • application, signing / Gradle
  • graphical editor
    • about / The graphical editor


  • Heap tab
    • about / Heap
  • Hierarchy View tab
    • about / Hierarchy View
    • Tree Overview panel / Hierarchy View
    • Tree View panel / Hierarchy View
    • Layout View panel / Hierarchy View
  • Holo style / Changing the UI theme
  • hot swap
    • about / Instant run


  • instant run
    • about / Instant run
    • hot swap / Instant run
    • warm swap / Instant run
    • cold swap / Instant run
  • IntelliJ IDEA
    • URL, for documentation / File and Code Templates
  • issue tracking system
    • about / Tasks and contexts


  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
    • about / Preparing for installation
  • Javadoc
    • generating / Generating Javadoc
  • Javadoc, tags
    • @author / Generating Javadoc
    • @version / Generating Javadoc
    • @param / Generating Javadoc
    • @return / Generating Javadoc
    • @throws / Generating Javadoc
    • @see / Generating Javadoc
    • @serial / Generating Javadoc
    • @deprecated / Generating Javadoc


  • layout
    • creating / Creating a new layout
    • components, adding / Adding components
    • properties, adding / Component's properties
  • layout, types
    • FrameLayout / Creating a new layout
    • LinearLayout / Creating a new layout
    • TableLayout / Creating a new layout
    • GridLayout / Creating a new layout
    • RelativeLayout / Creating a new layout
  • LogCat tab
    • about / LogCat


  • manifest file
    • about / The manifest file
    • <manifest> element / The manifest file
    • <application> element / The manifest file
  • Material Design style / Changing the UI theme
  • method profiling
    • about / Method profiling
    • exclusive time / Method profiling
    • inclusive time / Method profiling
  • module
    • about / Project settings
    • URL / Project settings
  • Monitors panel
    • about / Monitors
    • Memory / Monitors
    • CPU / Monitors
    • Network / Monitors
    • GPU / Monitors
  • multiple screens
    • creating / Supporting multiple screens


  • navigation drawers
    • reference link / Choosing the activity type
  • Network Statistics tab
    • about / Network Statistics


  • Place Detection API
    • about / Google Places
    • using / Place Detection API
    • getLikelihood method / Place Detection API
    • getPlace method / Place Detection API
  • Place Picker UI / Google Places
  • Postfix Completion
    • about / Postfix Completion
  • process ID (PID)
    • about / LogCat
  • project
    • creating / Creating a new project
    • configuring / Configuring the project
    • form factors, selecting / Selecting the form factors
    • activity type, selecting / Choosing the activity type
  • project navigation panel
    • about / The project navigation panel
  • project settings
    • modifying / Project settings
  • project structure
    • examining / The project structure
    • resources folder / The resources folder
    • manifest file / The manifest file
    • Gradle / Gradle


  • release mode
    • about / Build types
    • application, signing automatically / Sign automatically in release mode
    • application, executing in / Running your app in release mode
    • APK Analyzer / APK Analyzer
  • resources folder
    • about / The resources folder
    • anim/ / The resources folder
    • color/ / The resources folder
    • drawable/ / The resources folder
    • mipmap/ / The resources folder
    • layout/ / The resources folder
    • menu/ / The resources folder
    • values/ / The resources folder


  • screen density
    • ldpi / Supporting multiple screens
    • mdpi / Supporting multiple screens
    • tvdpi / Supporting multiple screens
    • hdpi / Supporting multiple screens
    • xhdpi / Supporting multiple screens
    • xxhdpi / Supporting multiple screens
  • screen size
    • small / Supporting multiple screens
    • normal / Supporting multiple screens
    • large / Supporting multiple screens
    • extra large / Supporting multiple screens
  • signed APK
    • generating / Generating a signed APK
  • Smart Type Completion
    • about / Smart Type Completion
  • Software Development Kit Manager
    • about / Software Development Kit Manager
    • setting up / Software Development Kit Manager
  • System Information tab
    • about / System Information


  • tasks
    • managing / Tasks and contexts
  • text-based editor
    • about / The text-based editor
  • Threads tab
    • about / Threads
    • method profiling / Method profiling


  • UI theme
    • modifying / Changing the UI theme
  • user interface (UI)
    • about / The graphical editor


  • version control systems (VCS)
    • about / Version control systems
  • view, types
    • Project / The project navigation panel
    • Packages / The project navigation panel
    • Scratches / The project navigation panel
    • Android / The project navigation panel
    • Scopes / The project navigation panel
  • View object, properties
    • android*alpha / Component's properties
    • android*background / Component's properties
    • android*clickable / Component's properties
    • android*elevation / Component's properties
    • android*fadeScrollbars / Component's properties
    • android*focusable / Component's properties
    • android*foreground / Component's properties
    • android*foregroundTint / Component's properties
    • android*id / Component's properties
    • android*minHeight / Component's properties
    • android*minWidth / Component's properties
    • android*padding / Component's properties
    • android*scrollIndicators / Component's properties
    • android*textAlignment / Component's properties
    • android*visibility / Component's properties


  • warm swap
    • about / Instant run
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