What this book covers
Chapter 1, Selecting and Configuring Amazon EC2 Instances, provides recipes to choose and configure the right EC2 instances to meet your application-specific requirements.
Chapter 2, Configuring and Securing a Virtual Private Cloud, contains networking-related recipes to configure and secure a virtual private cloud (VPC).
Chapter 3, Managing AWS Resources Using AWS CloudFormation, provides recipes to create and manage related AWS resources in an orderly manner.
Chapter 4, Securing Access to Amazon EC2 Instances, deals with recipes for using the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service to secure access to your Amazon EC2 instances.
Chapter 5, Monitoring Amazon EC2 Instances, contains recipes for monitoring your EC2 instances using AWS CloudWatch. It will also cover a related topic—autoscaling.
Chapter 6, Using AWS Data Services, contains recipes for using various AWS relational and NoSQL data services in AWS applications.
Chapter 7, Accessing Other AWS Services, contains recipes for accessing key AWS services (other than AWS data services). These services include Route 53, Amazon S3, AWS SES, AWS SNS, and AWS SQS.
Chapter 8, Deploying AWS Applications, talks about the recipes for AWS application deployments using Docker containers, Chef cookbooks, and Puppet recipes.