Choosing the correct security model for you
It is very important to choose a suitable security model at the beginning of the implementation of Alfresco.The authentication mechanisms, user profile, data storage, security settings, business rules, and so on, are all based on the security model you choose.
Alfresco imposes authentication through a user's login ID and password. This is where you choose a security model such as Alfresco's built-in membership system, NTLM (Windows NT LAN Manager), or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). These security models are explained in detail in the subsequent sections of this chapter.
Alfresco imposes authorization by assigning a role to a specific user (or group) for a specific space (or content). This will be the same irrespective of which model you choose.
The security model you choose will be based on the requirements of your enterprise. Let us consider the following sample scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Requirement: I would like to build an extranet...