Creating a BalancingPool of actors
A BalancingPool
tries to redistribute the work among the actors for performance improvement. In the BalancingPool
, all actors share the same mailbox.
Getting ready
Just import the Hello-Akka
project in the IDE; other prerequisites are the same as before.
How to do it...
- Create a Scala file,
, in the packagecom.packt.chapter3
. - Add the following imports at the top of the file:
     import{Props, ActorSystem, Actor}     import akka.routing.BalancingPool
- Define a simple actor as an example:
      class BalancingPoolActor extends Actor {       override def receive = {       case msg: String => println(s" I am ${}")       case _ => println(s" I don't understand the message")       ..}       }
- Create a simple test application as follows:
       object balancingpool extends App {       val actorSystem = ActorSystem("Hello-Akka")       val router =        actorSystem.actorOf...