Sales Order
We have created and sent an offer letter to our customers. We are now waiting for their response. If we get a positive response, then we can continue to convert the Proposal or Non-binding offer document to a Standard Order document type of Sales Order.
Proposal conversion to a Standard Order
You can create a new Sales Order by using the Standard Order document type to fulfill customer orders. Set the PO Line information with the same information mentioned in the proposal document. To make it easy, ADempiere has a predefined feature to convert previous proposal documents into Standard Order document types.
The Proposal, or Non-binding offer, document needs to be in the In Progress status in order to be converted.
You can convert your Proposal, or Non-binding offer, document as follows:
Navigate to the Menu | Quote-to-Invoice | Sales Orders | Quote convert process.
When you click on this ADempiere process, you will be prompted with a Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order confirmation...