This tutorial is extracted from the book Mastering Blockchain - Second Edition written by Imran Bashir.
There are multiple ways to develop smart contracts on Ethereum. The usual and sensible approach is to develop and test Ethereum smart contracts either on a local private net or a simulated environment, and then it can be deployed on a public testnet. After all the relevant tests are successful on public testnet, the contracts can then be deployed to the public mainnet.
There are however variations in this process, and many developers opt to only develop and test contracts on locally simulated environments. Then deploy on public mainnet or their private production blockchain networks. Developing on a simulated environment and then deploying directly to a public network can lead to faster time to production. As setting up private networks may take longer compared to setting a local development environment with a blockchain simulator.
Let's start with connecting to a test network.
The Ethereum Go client (https://geth.ethereum.org) Geth, can be connected to the test network using the following command:
$ geth --testnet
A sample output is shown in the following screenshot. The screenshot shows the type of the network chosen and various other pieces of information regarding the blockchain download:
The output of the geth command connecting to Ethereum test net
A blockchain explorer for testnet is located at https://ropsten.etherscan.io can be used to trace transactions and blocks on the Ethereum test network.
There are other test networks available too, such as Frontier, Morden, Ropsten, and Rinkeby. Geth can be issued with a command-line flag to connect to the desired network:
--testnet: Ropsten network: pre-configured proof-of-work test network
--rinkeby: Rinkeby network: pre-configured proof-of-authority test network
--networkid value: Network identifier (integer, 1=Frontier, 2=Morden (disused), 3=Ropsten, 4=Rinkeby) (default: 1)
Now let us do some experiments with building a private network and then we will see how a contract can be deployed on this network using the Mist and command-line tools.
Private net allows the creation of an entirely new blockchain. This is different from testnet or mainnet in the sense that it uses its on-genesis block and network ID. In order to create private net, three components are needed:
On the mainnet, the Geth Ethereum client is capable of discovering boot nodes by default as they are hardcoded in the Geth client, and connects automatically. But on a private net, Geth needs to be configured by specifying appropriate flags and configuration in order for it to be discoverable by other peers or to be able to discover other peers. We will see how this is achieved shortly.
In addition to the previously mentioned three components, it is desirable that you disable node discovery so that other nodes on the internet cannot discover your private network and it is secure. If other networks happen to have the same genesis file and network ID, they may connect to your private net. The chance of having the same network ID and genesis block is very low, but, nevertheless, disabling node discovery is good practice, and is recommended.
In the following section, all these parameters are discussed in detail with a practical example.
Network ID can be any positive number except 1 and 3, which are already in use by Ethereum mainnet and testnet (Ropsten), respectively. Network ID 786 has been chosen for the example private network discussed later in this section.
The genesis file contains the necessary fields required for a custom genesis block. This is the first block in the network and does not point to any previous block. The Ethereum protocol performs checking in order to ensure that no other node on the internet can participate in the consensus mechanism unless they have the same genesis block. Chain ID is usually used as an identification of the network.
A custom genesis file that will be used later in the example is shown here:
"nonce": "0x0000000000000042",
"timestamp": "0x00", "parentHash":
"extraData": "0x00",
"gasLimit": "0x8000000", "difficulty": "0x0400", "mixhash":
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "coinbase": "0x3333333333333333333333333333333333333333",
"alloc": {
"config": {
"chainId": 786,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0
This file is saved as a text file with the JSON extension; for example, privategenesis.json. Optionally, Ether can be pre-allocated by specifying the beneficiary's addresses and the amount of Wei, but it is usually not necessary as being on the private network, Ether can be mined very quickly.
In order to pre-allocate a section can be added to the genesis file, as shown here:
"alloc": {
"0xcf61d213faa9acadbf0d110e1397caf20445c58f ": { "balance": "100000" },
Now let's see what each of these parameters mean.
This is the directory where the blockchain data for the private Ethereum network will be saved. For example, in the following example, it is ~/etherprivate/.
In the Geth client, a nu mber of parameters are specified in order to launch, further fine-tune the configuration, and launch the private network. These flags are listed here.
The following are the flags used with the Geth client:
Static nodes
If there is a need to connect to a specific set of peers, then these nodes can be added to a file where the chaindata and keystore files are saved.
For example, in the ~/etherprivate/ directory. The filename should be static- nodes.json. This is valuable in a private network because this way the nodes can be discovered on a private network. An example of the JSON file is shown as follows:
"enode:// 44352ede5b9e792e437c1c0431c1578ce3676a87e1f588434aff1299d30325c233c8d426fc5 7a25380481c8a36fb3be2787375e932fb4885885f6452f6efa77f@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:TCP_P ORT"
Here, xxx is the public IP address and TCP_PORT can be any valid and available TCP port on the system. The long hex string is the node ID.
To summarize, we explored Ethereum test networks and how-to setup private Ethereum networks. Learn about cryptography and cryptocurrencies from this book Mastering Blockchain - Second Edition, to build highly secure, decentralized applications and conduct trusted in-app transactions.
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